Roi Aguila
Web2 & Web3 Developer - Teacher


About Me

I am a Full-Stack Web Developer with a passion for building engaging and innovative web applications. With extensive knowledge in PHP and JavaScript frameworks, I have developed web applications using a variety of technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, Express, MeteorJS, Ruby on Rails, Python, MySQL, and MongoDB. In addition, I have experience deploying and maintaining servers using NGINX, Apache, and Tomcat.

Throughout my career, I have enjoyed managing and supervising development teams, using my communication skills to ensure successful project outcomes. I also have a passion for teaching and have served as a trainer and instructor for a variety of courses, such as "Introduction to the Internet," "Introduction to Computer Science," "Basics of Mobile Development (Android Native)," and "Web Programming."

Since earning my BS in Computer Science in April of 2013 and my Masters of Information Technology in December of 2016, I have worked on both industry and research projects, developing a wide range of applications. Recently, I have been exploring the emerging technologies behind web3 and have gained experience in developing smart contracts on the Ethereum and Polygon blockchains.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring new technologies and working on personal projects. Recently, I spearheaded the development of Kusho World and Burning Dragons websites, art generation, smart contract development, and minting app development.

If you're looking for a skilled Full-Stack Web Developer with experience in a variety of web technologies and a passion for innovation, I would love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me to discuss how I can bring my skills and experience to your project.